new! PhD defence May, the 10th in Maison Jean Kuntzman (Saint Martin d'Heres, France). To come, the instructions are available in the file venir_these.txt (in french)

I'm currently in my last year of PhD at INRIA Rhône-Alpes (France). I studied mathematics with a specialization in probability theory. I began in 2002 a PhD thesis in statistics. My research areas are statistical learning and computer vision. I study new classification methods, in theory and applications. My main contribution in image analysis is to study the probabilistic models that can be applied on interest point detection.

My supervisors are Gilles Celeux from the SELECT team, and Bill Triggs, from the LEAR project. My grant is provided by the LAVA European project.

I'm currently applying for post-doctoral positions in statistical learning/machine learning with applications in computer vision.

my picture