Detect -dt har a.pgm a.har
Note: if you use -affine detection also specify -angles
ComputeDescriptor a.pgm a.har a.har.sift
DrawCorners -col y -wi 2 a.pgm a.har a.har.pnm
dumpcontents a.har.sift > a.txt
corners2text a.har.sift -adddesc a.har.desc.txt
corners2matlab a.har.sift a.mat
Detect -dtype log @images.lst result.log
ComputeDescriptor -dt sift -aff -an @images.lst result.log
result.log.sift |
SelectCorners -fid 2 result.log.sift third.sift
DrawCorners -color yellow @images.lst third.sift third.pnm |
Note that first we have to select the points of the third image to a different file (fid==2, because the files are numbered from 0), then we can use DrawCorners with the list file, it will load up the correct image.
DrawCorners -th_on -co ye @images.lst third.sift third_th.pnm
SelectCorners -x 20 -y 10 source.har dest.har
Select 10 random interest point:
SelectCorners -random 10 source.har dest.har
Select interest points having scale between 2 and 10:
SelectCorners -scmin 2 source.har tmp.har
SelectCorners -scmax 10 tmp.har dest.har |
Select the 10th interest point:
SelectCorners -numb 9 source.har dest.har
Select the 10th and 20th interest points:
SelectCorners -numb ’9 19’ source.har dest.har