@comment{ Bill Triggs' Personal Bibliography } @string{eccv="European Conference on Computer Vision"} @string{iccv="{IEEE} Int. Conf. Computer Vision"} @string{ijcv="Int. J. Computer Vision"} @string{cvpr="Int. Conf. Computer Vision \& Pattern Recognition"} @string{trans-pami="{IEEE} Trans. Pattern Analysis \& Machine Intelligence"} @string{icra="{IEEE} Int. Conf. Robotics {\&} Automation"} @string{iros="{IEEE} Int. Workshop Intelligent Robots \& Systems"} @string{pami="{IEEE} Trans. Pattern Analysis \& Machine Intelligence"} @string{ijrr="Int. J. Robotics Research"} @string{isrr="Int. Symposium Robotics Research"} @string{ras="Robotics \& Autonomous Systems"} @article{Bard:etal:ijrr95, author="C. Bard and C. Bellier and J. Troccaz and C. Laugier and B. Triggs and G. Vercelli", title="Achieving Dextrous Grasping by Integrating Planning and Vision Based Sensing", journal=ijrr, pages="445--64", volume=14, number=5, month=oct, year=1995, comment="Summary of grasping work on SECOND project. Mainly Ch. Bard's heuristic pre-shape based geometric grasp placement planner." } @unpublished{Mohr:Triggs:isprs96, author="R. Mohr and B. Triggs", title="Projective Geometry for Image Analysis", booktitle="International Symposium of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing", address="Vienna", month=jul, year=1996, keywords="Projective Geometry, Visual Reconstruction, Invariants" } @inproceedings{Sturm:Triggs:eccv96, author="P. Sturm and B. Triggs", title="A Factorization Based Algorithm for Multi-Image Projective Structure and Motion", booktitle=eccv, pages="709--20", address="Cambridge, England", publisher="Springer-Verlag", year=1996 } @unpublished{Triggs:scene-rep95, author="B. Triggs", title="A Fully Projective Error Model for Visual Reconstruction", note="Submitted to {\em IEEE Workshop on Representations of Visual Scenes}, Cambridge, MA", month=jun, year=1995, keywords="least squares estimation, uncertainty modelling, visual reconstruction, projective geometry", comment="Short version of work-in-progress on Projective Least Squares.", } @unpublished{Triggs:projective-least-squares:95, author="B. Triggs", title="Least Squares Estimation in Projective Spaces", note="To appear", institution="LIFIA", address="INRIA Rh\^one-Alpes, Grenoble, France", year=1995, comment="A natural fully projective generalization of standard affine least squares, for use in error modelling for projective reconstruction and vision. Works for lines, hyperplanes, fundamental matrices as well as points." } @unpublished{Triggs:ijcv95, author="B. Triggs", title="The Geometry of Projective Reconstruction {I}: Matching Constraints and the Joint Image", note="Submitted to IJCV", year=1995, keywords="multi-image stereo, projective reconstruction, matching constraints, tensor calculus, geometric invariants" comment="Nice theoretical study of the geometric structure of multi-image projection and bi-/tri-/quad-linear multi-image matching constraints. Uses tensors and Grassmannian geometry. A summary appears in Triggs:iccv95." } @inproceedings{Triggs:iccv95, author="B. Triggs", title="Matching Constraints and the Joint Image", booktitle=iccv, address="Cambridge, {MA}", editor="E. Grimson", month=jun, year=1995, keywords="multi-image stereo, projective reconstruction, matching constraints, tensor calculus, geometric invariants" comment="Compact summary of Triggs:ijcv95." } @inproceedings{Triggs:cvpr96, author="B. Triggs", title="Factorization Methods for Projective Structure and Motion", booktitle=cvpr, address="San Francisco", year=1996, keywords="Projective Reconstruction, Multiple Images, Structure/Motion Decomposition, Matrix Factorization", comment="Tomasi-Kanade-like projective reconstruction method for points and lines", } @unpublished{Triggs:bmvc96, author="B. Triggs", title="Linear Projective Reconstruction from Matching Tensors", note="Submitted to {\em British Machine Vision Conference}.", address="Edinburgh", year=1996, keywords=" Multi-image Structure, Projective Reconstruction, Matching Tensors", } @inproceedings{Triggs:Laugier:icra95, author="B. Triggs and C. Laugier", title="Automatic Camera Placement for Robot Vision Tasks", booktitle=icra, address="Nagoya, Japan", year=1995, comment="Global search to optimize heuristic view quality metric for robot mounted camera. Takes accont of kinematics, collisions, occlusion, focus...", } @inproceedings{Triggs:Laugier:isrr95, author="B. Triggs and C. Laugier", title="Automatic Task Planning for Robot Vision", booktitle=isrr, address="Munich", year=1995, comment="Global search to optimize heuristic view quality metric for robot mounted camera. Takes accont of kinematics, collisions, occlusion, focus... Task scheduling and path planning for a sequence of viewing tasks.", } @incollection{Triggs:Hague:Cameron:agv94, author="B. Triggs and T. Hague and S. Cameron", title="Chapter 13: Modelling", booktitle="{Advanced Guided Vehicles}: Aspects of the {Oxford} {AGV} Project", editor="S. Cameron and P. Probert", publisher="World Scientific", address="Singapore", pages="227--45", year=1994, comment="Summary of world modelling work (such as it was) on Oxford AGV project.", } @article{Triggs:ras94, author="Bill Triggs", title="Model-Based Sonar Localization for Mobile Robots", journal=ras, pages="173--86", volume=12, year=1994, keywords="mobile robots, sonar sensing, Kalman filtering, probabilistic data fusion", note="Originally appeared in {\em Int. Workshop Intelligent Robot Systems}, Zakopane, Poland, 1993", comment="Strongly geometric-model-bound Kalman-filter-based sonar localization for mobiles (cf J. Leonard's work). Tries to make most of each sonar event, but ends up very model sensitive.", } @inproceedings{Triggs:irs93, author="Bill Triggs", title="Model-Based Sonar Localization for Mobile Robots", booktitle="Int. Workshop Intelligent Robotic Systems", address="Zakopane, Poland", year=1993, comment="Reprinted in Triggs:ras94", } @unpublished{Triggs:non-hol-planning:93, author="B. Triggs", title="Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Vehicles: An Introduction", note="Survey paper presented at {\em Workshop on Computer Vision and Robotics}, {Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences}, Cambridge, England in June 1993. Available from the author", institution="Oxford University Robotics Research Group", address="Parks Rd, Oxford, England", comment="Unpublished -- couldn't decide where to send it. Some figures from other people's papers are missing from on-line version", } @inproceedings{Triggs:Cameron:etfa92, author="Bill Triggs and Stephen Cameron", title="Sonar Localisation for Mobile Robots: A Model-Based Approach", booktitle="{IEEE} Int. Workshop Emerging Technologies for Factory Automation", address="Melbourne", year=1992, comment="An early version of Triggs:irs93", } @inproceedings{Triggs:Cameron:asi90, author="Bill Triggs and Stephen Cameron", title="The {Oxford Robot World Model}", booktitle="NATO ASI Expert Systems and Robotics", pages="275--284", volume="F-71", publisher="Springer Verag", address="Corfu", year=1990, comment="Initial version of Oxford AGV world model geometric database. Not very conclusive.", } @unpublished{Triggs:gauge-theories:83, author="B. Triggs", title="Gauge Theories and Gravitation", note="Master's-level qualifying thesis", institution=" Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford", address="Keble Rd, Oxford, England", year=1983, comment="Summary of fibre-bundle-theoretic formulations of gauge theories", } @article{Triggs:nuclear-physics:83, author="B. Triggs and A. R. Poletti and G. Dracoulis", title="High Spin States in Radon-208", journal="Nuclear Physics", pages="274--300", volume="A-395", year=1983, comment="Experimental study of high-spin states in a neutron poor highly excited nucleus. Mainly gamma-gamma spectroscopy." } @mscthesis{Triggs:msc-thesis:82, author="Bill Triggs", title="High Spin States in Radon-208", school="Dept. of Physics, Auckland University", month=jul, year=1982, }