filename | description | column format |
queries_fr_orig.txt | list of concepts in French | query_id original_query_string |
queries_en_trans.txt | list of concepts translated to English | query_id translated_query_string |
labels.txt | list relevance labels for documents retrieved by search engine | query_id document_id relevance_label |
Relevance labels are binary: 1 for "relevant to the query", 0 for "irrelevant to the query"
directory name | description | filename format |
images | directory containing images | query_[query_id]_document_[document_id]_imagethumb.jpg |
metadata | directory containing text-meta data | query_[query_id]_document_[document_id]_textmeta.xml |
tag name | description | tag value(s) |
concept | text query used to retrieve the image | string |
rank | search engine's rank of the image | unsigned int |
language | the language of the web-page in which contains the image | en, fr, unknown |
referer | the URL of the web-page which contains the image | url |
imageUrl | the URL of the image file | url |
before | up to 10 words before <img> HTML tag in web-page | up to 10 strings |
after | up to 10 words after <img> HTML tag in web-page | up to 10 strings |
ptitle | the <title> HTML tag of the web-page (the title of the web-page) | N strings |
alt | the "alt" attribute of <img> HTML tag in web-page (image alternative description) | N strings |
query_id: 150
document_id: 0
relevance_label: 1
original_query_string: "trompette"
translated_query_string: "trumpet"
metadata file | metadata/query_150_document_0_textmeta.xml |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <documentmeta> <concept> trompette </concept> <rank> 1 </rank> <language> en </language> <referer> </referer> <imageUrl> </imageUrl> <before> 1024 x 768 Au Revoir Trompette </before> <after> </after> <ptitle> All Things Chill » Blog Archive » Wallpapers </ptitle> <alt> Trompette </alt> </documentmeta> |
thumbnail file | images/query_150_document_0_imagethumb.jpg | ![]() |
query_id: 150
document_id: 1
relevance_label: 0
original_query_string: "trompette"
translated_query_string: "trumpet"
metadata file | metadata/query_150_document_1_textmeta.xml |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <documentmeta> <concept> trompette </concept> <rank> 2 </rank> <language> en </language> <referer> </referer> <imageUrl> </imageUrl> <before> the Fronde a rebellion of nobles against Louis XIV </before> <after> He decided to rebuild the Château Trompette as a </after> <ptitle> Fortified Places > Relief Maps > Château Trompette </ptitle> <alt> Château Trompette. </alt> </documentmeta> |
thumbnail file | images/query_150_document_1_imagethumb.jpg | ![]() |