Machine Learning and Category Representation 2010-2011
New: grades for the presentations and weekly quizes are here, the last column of this XLS file contains your grade except for the written exam.
The final grade will be 50% the written exam, 25% the presentation, and 25% for the quizes.
Remember, for the quizes the worst out of the four grades is not taken into account in the average.
When: Fridays between 9h-12h
Where: in the ENSIMAG building in Montbonnot
Who: Lectures by Cordelia Schmid and Jakob Verbeek.
Session 1, October 1 2010
- Cordelia Schmid: Introduction [slides]
- Jakob Verbeek: Introduction Machine Learning [slides]
Session 2, December 3 2010
Session 3, December 10 2010
Session 4, December 17 2010
Session 5, January 7 2011
- Jakob Verbeek: Classification 1: generative and non-parameteric methods [slides]
- Student presentation 4: Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Compressed Fisher Vectors, Perronnin, Liu, Sanchez and Poirier, CVPR 2010. Presenters: Giraudot, Martin
- Cordelia Schmid: Category level localization [slides]
- Student presentation 5: Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models, Felzenszwalb, Girshick, McAllester and Ramanan, PAMI 2010. Presenters: Basu, Santolin da Silva
Session 6, January 14 2011
- January 28, 2011, 9h-12h, room H.105.
- prepare from lecture slides, presented papers, and last year's exam.
- Form: closed book, i.e. it is not allowed to bring any material.