Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice

cover of LNCS 1883

The post-workshop proceedings of the Vision Algorithms workshop are now available as Springer-Verlag LNCS 1883, Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice (price 90 DEM, about 50 USD). If you have a subscription to Springer's On-Line LINK service, the entire proceedings is also available on-line from the LINK sites in Germany and in the United States.

Here are the talk abstracts and BibTeX bibliography for the proceedings.

view of beach from hotel

Vision Algorithms 99 was a workshop associated with the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV'99. It was held on Tuesday (all day) and Wednesday morning, 21-22 September 1999 -- immediately before the main conference, and at the same the hotel in Corfu, Greece. The focus was on building better practical algorithms for the basic tasks of geometric vision. See the call for papers and the final workshop programme for more details.

We had a strong submission (66 papers) and had to be very selective about acceptances, which made for a lively workshop. We had 15 regular papers, 2 invited papers, 2 specially commissioned expert reviews (on bundle adjustment, and feature-based vs. direct methods) and a panel session. There were 96 registrants, and an audience of about 110-120 people towards the end of the workshop. A pre-proceedings was distributed during the workshop, and the final proceedings were published by Springer LNCS in September 2000.

Bill Triggs
INRIA Rhone-Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe
38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin

Vision Algorithms 99 was organized by Bill Triggs, Rick Szeliski and Andrew Zisserman, and sponsored by INRIA and the IEEE Computer Society.

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