Karteek Alahari

Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes - Thoth project-team
655 avenue de l'Europe, Montbonnot
38334 Saint Ismier Cedex
France (sending mail)

Email: karteek (dot) alahari @ inria (dot) fr
Fax: +33 4 76 61 54 54
Karteek Alahari

I am a research director (directeur de recherche Inria) in the Thoth research team (formerly known as LEAR), based at the Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes center. Since May 2024, I am the deputy scientific director in charge of AI at Inria and also a co-director of the PEPR IA research programme.

I was previously a chargé de recherche Inria (young researcher) in the same team, and many years ago a postdoctoral fellow in the Inria WILLOW team at the Department of Computer Science, École Normale Supérieure (ENS). I completed my Ph.D. in July 2010, under the supervision of Philip Torr. I am also an associate member of the Visual Geometry Group, University of Oxford.

My current research focuses on addressing the visual understanding problem in the context of large-scale datasets. In particular, I work on learning robust and effective visual representations, when only partially-supervised data is available. This includes frameworks such as incremental learning, weakly-supervised learning, adversarial training, etc.

updated: Nov 2023 complete list, Google scholar, DBLP

NEWS (A complete list is here)
  • Our works on semantic image synthesis and semi-supervised instance segmentation are accepted at CVPR 2024 and WACV 2024.
  • I been appointed as the Deputy Scientific Director in charge of AI at Inria.
  • Our work on unsupervised video domain adaptation won the best paper runner-up award at ICVGIP 2022. Congratulations Avijit!
  • I am / was an area chair for CVPR 2025, ECCV 2024, CVPR 2024, NeurIPS 2023, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2023, ECCV 2022, ICCV 2021, CVPR 2021, ECCV 2020, CVPR 2020.
  • I am / was on the editorial board of CVIU (2018-2023) and IJCV (2019- ) journals.
  • I was a program co-chair for BMVC 2021: 22-25 November.


    PhD students: Graduated: Masters: Former postdocs: Former research engineer:


    2024-'25: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2023-'24: Continual Visual Representation Learning (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2023-'24: Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text (at ENSIMAG)
    2023-'24: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2023-'24: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2022-'23: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2022-'23: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2022-'23: Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text (at ENSIMAG)
    2022-'23: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2021-'22: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2021-'22: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2021-'22: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2021-'22: Machine Learning for Multimodal Data (at ENSIMAG)
    2020-'21: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2020-'21: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2020-'21: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2020-'21: Machine Learning for Computer Vision and Audio Processing (at ENSIMAG)
    2019-'20: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2019-'20: Category Learning and Object Recognition (at ENSIMAG)
    2019-'20: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2019-'20: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2018-'19: Graphical Models: Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2018-'19: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2018-'19: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2018-'19: Machine Learning and Object Recognition (at ENSIMAG)
    2017-'18: Discrete Inference and Learning (MVA course at CentraleSupélec, Paris)
    2017-'18: Introduction to Computer Vision (at ENS Paris)
    2017-'18: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2016-'17: Introduction to Discrete Optimization (at École Centrale Paris)
    2016-'17: Understanding Big Visual Data (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2015-'16: Introduction to Discrete Optimization (at École Centrale Paris)
    2014-'15: Multimedia databases (at ENSIMAG, in French)
    2013-'14: Multimedia databases (at ENSIMAG)


    *Photo courtesy: V. Peregrin.