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Resume: [updated September 2007]


Eric Nowak

PhD - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition




Phone:              +33 (0) 6 85 32 33 68



Address:           Grenoble – France

Age:                 27 years

Nationality:        French



A research engineer or research scientist position. Using and improving my knowledge in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Professional Experience

March 2004 – December 2007

INRIA (Grenoble, France) and Bertin Technologies (Aix-en-Provence, France)

PhD at INRIA and research engineer in a private company (CIFRE contract)

Topic: Object and Object Categories Recognition - Advisor: Frederic Jurie.

·         study computer vision and learning theory, mainly applied to object recognition

·         study local representations for image description and classification

·         image classification (generic categories like cats, cars, roads …)

·         image pair classification (predict if two never seen objects are the same or not)

·         study bibliography, implement, adapt, analyze and improve the algorithms

·         perform scientific experiments: performance metric definition, cycles of hypothesis-coding-experiments-interpretation to improve the models

·         produce scientific papers and deliverables (demos, C++ source codes, technical reports)

·         advise master students (from 2 to 6 months), for scientific or engineering works


April 2003 – September 2003

INRIA, Paris, France

Master thesis. 3D object reconstruction from calibrated cameras. Propose, implement and evaluate a solution involving Visual Hulls and Stereo-Vision.


April 2002 – December 2002

RATP, Paris, France

Propose and setup an intranet administration application for synchronizing different teams. Maintain the system. Train the users.


July 2002 – August 2002

Alcatel Ocean Indien, Reunion Island, France

Interview employees and managers to detect and formalize communication problems.


September 2002 – June 2003

Paris VI “Pierre et Marie Curie” University, France

Master of Science: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (French DEA)


September 2000 – June 2003

EFREI (engineering school), Paris, France

Master of Science: Computer Science (algorithms, AI, languages, project management)

Awards and Prizes

·         Pascal 2006, International Visual Object Category recognition challenge – Top 5.

·         Doctoriales 2006, Innovation challenge, Grenoble, France – Best Innovation Prize.

·         Master of Science, Paris VI University, Paris, France – Highest honor (French très bien).

·         Master of Science, EFREI CS engineering school, Paris, France – Highest honor (French très bien).

·         Baccalauréat, Reunion Island, France – Highest honor (French très bien).


·         Eric Nowak, PhD Thesis (current work), 2007.

·         Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Learning Visual Similarity Measures for Comparing Never Seen Objects, CVPR 2007, Minneapolis, USA.

·         Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Learning Visual Distance Function for Object Identification from one Example, LCE Workshop of NIPS 2006, Vancouver, Canada.

·         Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Bill Triggs, Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification, ECCV 2006, Graz, Austria.

·         Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Reconnaissance d'Objets dans des Images: une approche par Sac-de-Mots, GDR-ISIS 2006, Paris, France.

·         Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Vehicle Categorization: Parts for Speed and Accuracy, VS-PETS workshop of ICCV 2005, Beijing, China.

·         Eric Nowak, Amélioration d'une reconstruction 3D par voxels (Visual Hull) à l'aide de la stéréo-vision, Master Thesis 2003 (DEA).

Software Skills

·         Good knowledge of the basics: C, data structures, algorithms

·         Object Oriented languages: advanced C++ (made my own recognition library), basic Java

·         Scientific languages: Matlab, Prolog

·         Scripts: advanced Bash scripting

·         Environment: Linux (basic administrator, advanced user), Windows

·         Basic knowledge: PhP, MySQL, Qt GUI, OpenGL, Assembly 68hc11, Flex, HTML, …


·         Personality: I am rigorous, efficient, determined, creative, enthusiastic, open-minded. I enjoy working in multi-cultural and interdisciplinary environments

·         Languages: native French and Creole, fluent English, basic German

·         Interests: photography, cinema, art, travels, cooking, playing tennis, swimming, walking

·         Head of a French teaching group: led the group, organized the lessons, taught French, during one year in CS school. 5 students teaching French to 4 Chinese students.

·         Misc: Driving Licence, First Aid.