Eric Nowak - PhD candidate web page
This page is not up-to-date since mid 2007.
I will probably use my email (
) for a couple of years.
My most up-to-date web page will always be:
Eric Nowak
Last year PhD Student (GRAVIR INRIA CNRS) [received PhD diploma in March 2008].
CV / Resume: html.
I am doing a PhD in Computer Vision. My main subject of
interest is Automatic Image Categorization . For
example, one has recorded hundreds hours of video and wants
to find automatically all sequences containing a car (or any other
object category).
My PhD lasts from March 2004 to December 2007.
It is supervised by Fréderic Jurie
and co-supervised by Roger Mohr.
I have a CIFRE contract, this
is why I am working for:
- a research lab:
CNRS), and my team is
LeaR, directed by
Cordelia Schmid
- a company:
Bertin Technologies
(French /
English website).
Full publication list (with LEAR group): click here
Older publications:
Eric Nowak and Frédéric Jurie,
Learning Visual Similarity Measures for Comparing Never Seen Objects,
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2007 (CVPR'07),
pdf and
slides and
more info, toy cars dataset, a binary
Eric Nowak and Frédéric Jurie,
Learning Visual Distance Function for Object Identification from one Example,
LCE Workshop in conjunction with NIPS'06.
Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie, Bill Triggs,
Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification,
European Conference on Computer Vision 2006 (ECCV'06),
Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie,
Reconnaissance d'Objets dans des Images: une approche par Sac-de-Mots,
Eric Nowak, Frédéric Jurie,
Vehicle Categorization: Parts for Speed and Accuracy,
VS-PETS workshop in conjunction with ICCV'05,
Eric Nowak, Philippe Gérard, André Gagalowicz,
Amélioration d'une reconstruction 3D par voxels (Visual Hull)
à l'aide de la stéréo-vision,
Master Thesis 2003 (DEA),