Classification Results of Multiclass SVM with diferent datasets and different SVM solvers
(click on the links to view the respective plots)

1) Multiclass Experiments with SGD Solver

Accuracies vs Datasets in Multiclass ( SGD )
1 2 3 4 5 6
SGD 44.96 26.70 23.32 22.36 100 95.70

a) Detailed Experiments with SGD Solver on Dataset2

2) Multiclass Experiments with Liblinear Solver

Accuracies vs Datasets in Multiclass ( LibLinear )
1 2 3 4 5 6
Liblinear 46.72 27.46 21.46 22.26 100 96.16

3) Multiclass Experiments with SVMlight Solver

Accuracies vs Datasets in Multiclass ( SVMlight )
1 2 3 4 5 6
SVMlight 46.74 24.96 23.36 19.56 100 96.24