ICCV 2003

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Submitting Material for the ICCV 2003 CD-ROM

If you want to submit additional materials for the ICCV 2003 CD-ROM, follow these instructions exactly. We will not accept or manually correct incomplete, malformed or improperly packaged input. If you can't follow the instructions, don't submit.
  1. These instructions are for material relating to the ICCV main conference and its associated tutorials and demos only. If you want to submit material relating to an ICCV workshop, contact the workshop organizers for instructions, deadlines, etc.
  2. The deadline for complete correctly formatted input is 10 September 2003. This is a strict deadline. If you are late, your material simply won't be included. No extensions will be given and no excuses will be accepted.
  3. Do not submit your ICCV paper again unless you need to submit something different from the proceedings version (extended, corrected, color version, etc). We already have all of the ICCV final papers from the proceedings and they will automatically be included on the CD-RM.
  4. Type of input: You can submit anything that you think is appropriate including example images or videos, extended or color versions of your paper, PDF versions of your talk slides or your poster, web pages, demos, source code, etc, subject to the following conditions:
  5. Format of input: Every contribution must relate to exactly one ICCV paper (or tutorial, demo), and must be submitted as a single tar.gz or zip file that unpacks to produce a single top-level directory containing all of the supplementary materials submitted for that paper. For the top-level directory, use exactly the name given in this list and no other.

    Below the top-level directory you can do what you want, but if you have more than a few files or the meanings are not obvious, please provide an index.html file (or at least a README) in the top-level directory describing the contents. The index.html file should use links relative to it's position in the top-level directory. The directory structure will be reproduced verbatim on the CD-ROM.

    All file names must be lower case, without spaces or special characters (i.e. only plain unaccented lower case ASCII letters and digits, "_" and "-", and containing at most one "."). It is safest to keep the names within the standard 8.3 (8 character base-name plus 3 character suffix) limit.

  6. Once you have created your file hierarchy and made 100% sure that none of the files are too big, corrupt, buggy, missing, in the wrong place, have unusual characters or spaces in their names, have broken HTML links, etc, tar.gz or zip your contribution (including the top level directory). Use the directory name as the base name for the archive file. Now do the following:
    1. FTP your contribution to ftp://ftp.inrialpes.fr/incoming/MOVI with user "anonymous" and password your e-mail address. Make sure that you use binary mode for the transfer.
    2. Fill in and sign the ICCV CD-ROM copyright release and fax it to Bill Triggs at +33 4 7661 5454.
    3. Choose at most one line of text to use as the top-level link text for the contributed materials. Hyperlinks should be written in LaTeX hyperlink format "\href{file-within-top-directory}{text}". If your submission arrives before 1 September, the link text may also be included (without the active links) in the ICCV printed program, so it should also be meaningful in this case. For example, if you've submitted an archive "0002_singh.zip" containing a top level directory "0002_singh" with an extended paper "0002_singh/extended.pdf" and an MPEG-4 video "0002_singh/video.m4v", you could use the following link text:

              See the CD-ROM for the \href{extended.pdf}{extended paper} and an \href{video.m4v}{example video}.

      Which will appear in the program and on the CD-ROM as

              See the CD-ROM for the extended paper and an example video.

    4. If you just want to include a link to an external web site, that is possible too, e.g.

              See \href{http://the.authors.web.site/iccv03}{the author's web site} for examples.

    5. When both the file and the fax have arrived, send Bill Triggs an e-mail saying which file you uploaded and giving your link text.

Notes for preparing papers

Read this especially if you are a Windows user working in Asia. We will not accept PS/PDF files with missing fonts!

When preparing PostScript or PDF for publication, conference submission, for web distribution, etc, you should always make sure that all of the fonts used were actually included with the document, otherwise many people will not be able to print your paper. Asian-language printers contain many fonts that Western ones do not contain: just because you can print something at your site, it does not mean that other people can. Also, even if all of the visible text is in English, MSWord and Windows-based drawing tools often include default Asian fonts - even though no Asian characters actually appear, the document still needs the font and it is unprintable without it.

To download your fonts, go to your printer driver set-up menu, find advanced configuration and set "download all fonts" to true. You may need to do this each time you print. Also select "maximum portability" in your PS/PDF options.

You are strongly advised to use Adobe distiller to create PDF's, as many versions of Windows have buggy or non-conformant drivers.

Once you've made your PDF, open it with Acrobat or Acroread, select "file"."document information"."fonts"."list all fonts" and check that all of the fonts used were actually included. Unix users can also use pdffonts from the xpdf package.