All of the workshops will be held in the Nice Acropolis conference
centre, the main venue for ICCV 2003. It is likely that we will adopt
a single passport system covering most (if not all) workshop
The workshop dates given below are provisional, and the submission
dates are very provisional - see the workshop websites for full
submission details.
Before ICCV
After ICCV
Cancelled workshops
- International Workshop on Vision Methods for Graphics Applications
This was to have been held in Hong Kong. It has been postponed
until ICCV 2005.
Second IEEE Workshop on Image and Video Registration
This was to have been held in Taipei, Taiwan. It has been
postponed until CVPR 2004.
- IEEE Workshop on Advanced Models and Methods for Face
Recognition (WAMMFR 2003) and
Third International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and
Tracking of Faces and Gestures (RATFG 2003). These two
workshops have been merged to form AMFG2003
which will be held at ICCV Nice on 17 October 2003.