ICCV 2003

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*** Note for 18-19 September: please register by web not fax if you can. There is currently a hurricane in the U.S. that has closed the Computer Society offices. This may disturb phone communications, but should not disturb the web site which is in California. We do *NOT* plan to extend the advance registration deadline owing to this.***

Registrations are now open for ICCV and its associated workshops. Advance registration will close on 19 September. After that, you will have to pay 20% more and register when you arrive at the conference. If you can pay by credit card, by far the easiest way to register is the IEEE Computer Society's on-line registration site. If you can not pay by credit card, fill in this form and send it to the Computer Society with payment (fax: +1-202-728-0884). If necessary, contact the IEEE Computer Society's registration service to discuss payment options.

A limited number of travel scholarships are available for main conference participants. Apply now, especially if you're a student from a less-privileged region!

Changed instructions: If you need an invitation letter in support of a visa application, contact the Computer Society registration office (register@computer.org) giving your passport name, your postal address, your fax number, and listing any ICCV or workshop papers that you have.


The fee structure is as follows. All prices are in US dollars. Students pay half price, non-members 25% more, and late registrants 20% more.

Registration Class (1)Main ConferenceWorkshops & Courses (2)
Advance student member $227 $13 / half-day
Advance student non-member $284 $16 / half-day
Advance member $454 $25 / half-day
Advance non-member $568 $32 / half-day
Late/on-site student member $272 $15 / half-day
Late/on-site student non-member $341 $19 / half-day
Late/on-site member $545 $30 / half-day
Late/on-site non-member $681 $38 / half-day
Processing fee for workshop-only registration(2)$20
Additional pages in ICCV proceedings(3)$100 / page
Additional ICCV banquet tickets$65
Additional ICCV proceedings$65
Workshop proceedings not included in workshop passport:
proceedings of VS-PETS workshop$57
proceedings of TEXTURE workshop$14
proceedings of AMFG workshop$30

(1) Registration classes

Student registration includes printed ICCV proceedings and the ICCV reception, but not the ICCV banquet. Full registration also includes the banquet.

If you are not a member of the IEEE or the Computer Society, consider joining -- you will save money even if you only attend ICCV.

(2) Workshop and Short Course Fees

One passport fee will be charged for each half-day of event attended. Non-attendees of ICCV must pay the passport fees for both workshops and short courses, and will also be charged an additional one-off $20 registration processing fee. Attendees of ICCV can attend the Short Courses for free, but must still pay the passport fee for Workshops. You will only be billed once for each half-day, even if you attend several overlapping events in it.

(3) Additional Pages in ICCV Proceedings

ICCV papers are allowed 6 pages in the proceedings, and can purchase up to 2 more at $100/page. If your paper included additional pages you must pay this fee -- we will be checking, and you will not be allowed to register at the conference until it has been paid.